Berkowitz, Leonard, 1926-


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His Some effects of leadership sharing in small, decision-making conference groups, 1951
EDSRC:Aggression : its causes, consequences, and control / Leonard Berkowitz(Temple University Press, 1993)
生没年等 1926
コード類 典拠ID=AL00027778  NCID=DA00739416
1 Social psychological studies of the self : perspectives and programs San Diego : Academic Press , c1988
2 Theorizing in social psychology : special topics Orland : Academic Press , c1984
3 Theorizing in social psychology : theoretical perspectives Orland : Academic Press , c1983
4 社会心理学入門 / L.バーコヴィッツ著 ; 斎藤耕二, 菊池章夫共訳 東京 : サイエンス社 , 1980.10
5 Cognitive theories in social psychology : papers from Advances in experimental social psychology / edited by Leonard Berkowitz ; contributors, Norman H. Anderson ... [et al.] New York : Academic Press , 1978
6 Advances in experimental social psychology / edited by Leonard Berkowitz v. 1 - v. 60. - Orlando : Academic Press , 1964-