Tversky, Barbara


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 nuc88-28627: Her Pictorial and verbal encoding ... 1968 (hdg. on NmLcU rept.: Tversky, Barbara Gans; usage: Barbara Gans Tversky)
Mind in motion, 2019: dust jacket (Barbara Tversky is an emerita professor of psychology at Stanford University and a professor of psychology at Teachers College at Columbia University. She has published on memory, spatial thinking, design, and creativity. She lives in New York City and California)
Wikipedia, viewed Oct. 15, 2019 (Barbara Tversky is a Professor Emerita of Psychology at Stanford University and a Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Tversky specializes in cognitive psychology. She is an authority in the areas of visual-spatial reasoning and collaborative cognition. Tversky''s research interests include language and communication, comprehension of events and narratives, and the mapping and modeling of cognitive processes)
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SRC:Mind in motion : 身体動作と空間が思考をつくる / バーバラ・トヴェルスキー著 ; 渡会圭子訳 ; 諏訪正樹解説(森北出版, 2020.11)
コード類 典拠ID=AL00200451  NCID=DA19657350
1 Mind in motion : 身体動作と空間が思考をつくる / バーバラ・トヴェルスキー著 ; 渡会圭子訳 東京 : 森北出版 , 2020.11